Ingredients for 6 people:
OrtoRomi Rocket salad, ready to eat
6/7 anchovies
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese
Smoked provola
2 potatoes
Oil, salt and pepper
20 minutes
35 minutes
What do you think of being inspired by this sfornatino with rocket, easy and quick to serve as appetizers to your loved ones? Good to taste and beautiful to see, OrtoRomi proposes it with the practical Rucola, already washed and ready to taste.
Boil the potatoes (if you use the pressure cooker, from when it whistles about 15 minutes). Sauté the rocket in a pan with the shallots, oil, salt and pepper. When ready, place it in a bowl with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, a tablespoon of water (if needed) and anchovies and fry with immersion robots. Mix the rocket mixture with the eggs, the Parmesan and add the nutmeg. Crush the cooked potatoes and add them to the smoothie mixture. Mix well and season with salt. Grease 6 cups and pour the mixture. Place a cube of smoked provola in the center. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C. Viola di UnPizzicodiViola advises us with a Roman broccoli cream.
Viola di UnPizzicodiViola ce li consiglia accompagnati ad un crema di broccolo romanesco.
La ricetta è stata pensata per OrtoRomi da Viola, di UnPizzicodiViola. Come ama definirsi Viola è una food blogger, content creator, graphic designer per lavoro e piccola cuoca per passione.