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Federica Pellegrini

“OrtoRomi, my choice of wellness”: the multi-channel campaign with Federica Pellegrini is underway

"OrtoRomi, my choice of wellness"

Simple, engaging, easy to remember: this is the claim we strongly wanted for the new intense annual campaign. Every day, we at OrtoRomi are committed to guaranteeing high quality, healthy, genuine and natural products that encourage you to feel good. That's why choosing OrtoRomi is an authentic choice of well-being.

Federica Pellegrini and OrtoRomi: a sharing of values

We have chosen an exceptional testimonial, the famous Olympic swimming champion, Federica Pellegrini. Authenticity, simplicity, closeness to nature and determination: these are the values ​​that unite us. Fresh, spontaneous, natural, Federica Pellegrini will be the protagonist of a fun thematic storytelling that will revolve around the concept of well-being at 360 °.

A single brand, infinite flavors to discover

The campaign will focus on the OrtoRomi brand and its three main product categories: fresh salads, fruit and vegetable extracts and ready-made soups. We invite those who do not know us to discover our rich assortment with many different products, recipes and original combinations, for all tastes and needs. Because each OrtoRomi product is a new way to take care of yourself.

On air, all year round

We will be on the radio, on the main national broadcasters. On the pages of sector and lifestyle magazines. On the most followed social networks and digital media. And with specific activities on the point of sale.

Notoriety in great growth

We aim to strengthen the brand's notoriety by transmitting the high quality of our products deriving from a supply chain that respects the environment and its resources. Good, healthy, wholesome and natural foods that make you feel good.

The campaign is part of our important brand strengthening plan which has led us to focus exclusively on the ORTOROMI brand, with a brand restyling and to update all product packaging, which is now clearer and more transparent.

Lots of news for 2022

The new OrtoRomi extracts are now available, with the new graphic design that enhances the freshness and palatability of the product, the talking label enhances its high quality and with two new flavors: Yellow Kiwi and Tropical. Many other innovations are coming in the course of 2022.


The history, values ​​and heritage of an Italian excellence

The company was founded in 1996 from the combination of the two founding partners, Elio Pelosin and Rino Bovo, experiences as devoted fruit and vegetables agricultural entrepreneurs.

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Il nostro impegno

innovazioni colturali

For years OrtoRomi has been carrying out a transparent and traceable production, in full respect of the Planet and its protection. It is committed daily to a sustainable policy, supporting the SDGs - 17 Goals for the Sustainable Development of the Planet described by the UN. Energy saving of water resources, use of the agricultural method of "integrated pest management" which excludes the use of pesticides harmful to the environment, and much more: each step aims to ensure sustainable production, to give a better future to new generations and do their part to achieve the 2030 Agenda Goals. Our farms are scattered throughout the country, whose particular conformation allows us to grow certain types of vegetables throughout the year. We grow our salads on over 800 hectares, in the open field as in the case of adult head salads (red radicchio, escarole etc.) or in greenhouses in the case of baby leaf salads, such as rocket, lamb's lettuce or lettuce.

We promote the collection

"Not all plastic comes to harm." If disposed of in an appropriate form, even plastic can become a sustainable resource to feed a virtuous and environmentally friendly circle.
The values of Orthoromas
By disseminating the values that underlie our product, we take a very serious commitment to you. This makes us highly responsible and motivates us to work with ever more passion and dedication to guarantee you the highest quality and satisfy your psycho-physical well-being.

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Plastic image
OrtoRomi commitment
For years OrtoRomi has been carrying out a transparent and traceable production, in full respect of the Planet and its protection. It is committed daily to a sustainable policy, supporting the SDGs - 17 Goals for the Sustainable Development of the Planet described by the ONU.

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Thanks to our cooperative identity, we oversee the entire production chain, from the farms to the finished product that you can find every day on the shelves of your trusted supermarket. By virtue of this, we are able to guarantee maximum traceability, qualitative excellence and rigorous hygiene and health safety, in full compliance with environmental sustainability.

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Quality and authenticity without forgetting the taste. We guarantee you top quality products that preserve all the properties of the raw materials from which they are born. These products have a natural and genuine taste, because they are made with the best fruit and vegetables available. Our quality commitment throughout the supply chain ensures that our products meet your needs as an attentive and aware consumer but also as a good food lover.

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We are committed to guaranteeing you a very fresh and completely safe quality product. To do this, we constantly put very rigorous controls on the agenda: every year over 5,300 tests are carried out between microbiological and chemical analyzes, through internal and external laboratories.

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We are committed every day to safeguarding nature by reducing our impact on the environment and the resources waste at every stage of production: in the work we do in our farms, in the cultivation techniques we use on the lands and in the selection of raw materials. But we did something more: we created completely edible products, without any waste, packed in 100% recyclable packaging mostly made with recycled materials.

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Healthy and ready to eat
Honesty, passion, commitment and dedication are the human values ​​shared by all the women and men working in our cooperative. We look to future generations starting from our history and our identity, placing our sense ​​of service and our know-how at the leading principle of the promise we make you every day as a citizen and consumer.

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